C.P. Ramaswami
Aiyar Institute of Indological Research
(affiliated to the University
of Madras for the Ph.D. degree in
"HistoricalStudies" and "Environmental Studies")
E-mail : cpriir@gmail.com

C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Institute of Indological
Research (CPRIIR) was established in 1981
by the C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation. The Institute promotes the study of Indian history, culture, religion, philosophy
and the environment. Besides being a centre for research, the Institute also organises conferences, symposia,
seminars, lectures and courses every year.
The Institute was set up to research the rich heritage of India, to
establish the historicity of Indian literature and to bring together academicians and intellectuals in a spirit of
harmonious enquiry. Research into known and lesser-known aspects of Indian religions and culture, Sanskrit and
Tamil literature, Indian ethno-archaeology, Hindu deities, art and artifacts and environmental history are the
major focus.
The CPRIIRis recognized as a Research Institute for conducting research leading to the Ph.D Degree in
Historical Studies and Environmental Studies by the University of Madras.
“Culture involves
a vivid awareness of the meaning of life, a conspectus of the world's problems in the proper order and
relative importance and the deliberate choice of things that are really worthwhile." -
C.P.Ramaswami Aiyar
Name |
Designation |
Qualification |
Dr. Nanditha Krishna
Professor & Director |
Ph.D. |
Dr. V. Mohan |
Assistant Director & Head, Classical Languages |
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., |
Dr. G.J. Sudhakar |
Professor & Head
Historical Studies
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., |
Dr. G. Balaji |
Registrar & Assistant Professor,
Historical Studies
M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D., |
Dr. V. Sandhiya Lakshmi |
Assistant Professor,
Historical Studies
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., |
Dr. T. Sundaramoorthy |
Associate Professor & Head, Environmental Studies |
M.Sc., Ph.D., |
Dr. P. Sudhakar |
Assistant Professor,
Environmental Studies
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., |
Dr. G. Srinivasan |
Assistant Professor,
Environmental Studies
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., |
ISSN: 0975-7805
The Journal of Indian History and Culture is an annual refereed publication with ISSN registration, which
encompasses all areas of historical research. The Journal provides an integrated forum for the presentation of
original research papers and thought-provoking reviews to generate innovative ideas in historical research. The
Journal focuses on new directions in
- Indian culture, art, architecture, music, dance and literature
Indian literature, religion and philosophy
Archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, historiography and anthropology
Social, political and economic history
- National movement
- Environmental history
Dr. G.J. Sudhakar
Head, Historical Studies,
C.P.R. Institute of Indological Research
Dr. G.J. Sudhakar is Professor and Head of the Centre for Historical Studies at the C.P.
Ramaswami Aiyar Institute of Indological Research, Chennai. He was educated in Madras Christian College and
Jawaharlal Nehru University. He is an Executive Committee Member of the Indian History Congressand former
Vice-President of the South Indian History Congress besides being the former President of the Tamilnadu
History Congress.
He has several publications to his credit like the Weavers
Co-operatives in the Madras Presidency and the Handloom Industry in Tamilnadu 1941-55. He has edited volumes
like the Aspects of Madras, Popular Uprisings in India with Special Reference to Tamilnadu 1750-1857 and
Urbanisation in Indian History. In addition, he is the Editor of the Journal of Indian History and Culture.
Editorial Board
Dr. Nanditha Krishna
C.P.R. Institute of
Nanditha Krishna is a historian, environmentalist and writer based
in Chennai. She has a Ph.D. in Ancient Indian Culture from Bombay
University. She is the President of The C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar
Foundation. She is the Founder of its many constituents, including
C.P. Art Centre and CPR Institute of Indological Research (affiliated to
University of Madras). She has been a Professor and a Research Guide
for the Ph.D. degree of the University of Madras. She is the author of
several books including The Book of Avatars and Divinities;
Mahabalipuram-The Ganga Comes to Tamilnadu;
You are the Supreme Light: Life Lessons from Adi Shankara;
Hinduism and Nature; Deva Pratima; Sacred Plants of India;
Sacred Animals of India; Paintings of the Varadaraja Perumal
Temple; Madras Then, Chennai Now; Book of Demons; Book of
Vishnu; Balaji Venkateshwara; Ganesha; Painted Manuscripts of
the Sarasvati Mahal Library; The Arts and Crafts of Tamilnadu; and
The Art and Iconography of Vishnu-Narayana (her Ph.D. thesis),
among others, besides several research papers and popular articles. In
2001, she established the Shakunthala Jagannathan Museum of Folk
Art at Kanchipuram. She was responsible for the revival of the painting
traditions of the Kurumba tribes and pottery traditions of Kota women.
She restored the Varahishwarar Temple in Damal and a 450 year old
building in Kanchipuram. She has been documenting Indias ecological
heritage traditions; revived traditional drawing and painting in
Mamallapuram; and Tamil Folk Art Forms in Schools. In 1990, she
was deputed to the Archaeological Survey of Indias restoration of
Angkor Wat in Cambodia. She has researched extensively the Khmer
temples and reported on the restoration process. She has received the
Nari Shakti Puraskar from the Government of India.
Dr. K.V. Raman
Former Professor & Head
Department of Ancient History and Archaeology
University of Madras
Prof. K.V. Raman is one of the senior and distinguished scholars whose valuable contributions to the field
of archaeology, history and art are well known by his discoveries and publications such as The Early History
of the Madras Region (1957);Some Aspects of Pandyan History (1972);Sri Varadaraja Swamy Temple, Kanchi
(1975);Sculptural Art of Tirumala Tirupati (1997);Excavations in Uraiyur (Ed.) (1988);Temple Art, Icons and
Culture of India and South Asia (2006);Archaeology, History and Numismatics of South India, a collection of
research papers in 2017, besides many other books and research papers and endowment lectures.
He was formerly Superintending Archaeologist in the Archaeological Survey of India and later became
Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology. University of Madras, from 1976 to 1995. He is the recipient
of many honours from India and abroad like the UNESCO Regional Educational Award for 1972, Fulbright Fellow
in USA in 1983 and Senior Fellow of the Association of Commonwealth Universities in UK in 1989. He visited
South-East Asian countries from 1992-1995 as a member of the Indo-Japanese team headed by Prof. Noboru
Karashima to study the historical and cultural relations and was Visiting Professor of Art History in the
University of Georgia, Athens, USA (1998).
He was the President of the Indian History Congress in Amritsar (Ancient History section) in 1985; President
of the Numismatic Society of India at Shantiniketan in 1989; General President South Indian Numismatic
Society in 1996; President of the South Indian History Congress at Gulbarga in 1996; and President of the
Tamil Nadu History Congress in 1997. He received the Dr. V.S. Wakankar Award for excellence in Field
Archaeology for the year 2002 from the Indian Archaeological Society, New Delhi. In 2017, K.V. Raman was
honoured by the National Fellow Award of the Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) for his lifetime
contributions to the field of History and Archaeology.
Dr. V. Mohan
Assistant Director and Head
Department of Classical Languages
C.P.R. Institute of Indological Research
Dr. V. Mohan has obtained his Doctorate in Sanskrit from the
University of Madras. He is also a post graduate in English, Tamil and
Education. He has been teaching Sanskrit at the junior college level for
more than three decades and retired from service as Vice-Principal. He
has attended and presented many papers in various seminars and
conferences. He has published his Ph.D. thesis entitled Abdullah
Carita of Lakshmipati A Study, a chronicle and analytical study on
Mughal history in 2015. He has co-authored the second and third
volumes of Upanishada Sindanaigal, a lucid explanation of the
Upanishads in Tamil along with Sri. K. S. Chandrasekar Guruji.
Hailing from a traditional and orthodox family, Dr. V. Mohan has a
great inclination towards spiritual pursuits. He is also interested in
giving spiritual discourses on various topics including Bhagavata
Puranam. He presented a paper titled Historical Kavyas in Sanskrit on
Saint Thyagaraja in the 17th World Sanskrit Conference held at
Vancover, Canada, in July 2018. Presently, he is the Assistant Director
and Head, Department of Classical Languages in the
C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar Institute of Indological Research, Chennai.
Dr. G. Balaji
Registrar and Assistant Professor
C.P.R. Institute of Indological Research
Dr. G. Balaji is Assistant Professor at C.P.R. Institute of Indological Research, which is affiliated to the
University of Madras. He has obtained his Doctorate in Ancient History and Archaeology from the University
of Madras. His Ph. D thesis is on Narasimha Incarnation of Vishnu in Art, Iconography and Literature. His
areas of specialization include Art, Architecture, Iconography, Numismatics, Epigraphy, Field Archaeology
and Ethno Archaeology. He has done extensive field research in India. He has published his Research Project
entitled Arts and Crafts of the Nilgiri Tribes, an ethno archaeological study of the indigenous people of
the Nilgiri hills and has over 20 research articles to his credit. Earlier, he completed his M.A., from the
Department of Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Madras, Chennai. He is now a recognised Ph.D.
supervisor of University of Madras. He guides Ph.D. research scholars in the field of Historical studies.
Dr. V. Sandhiya lakshmi
Assistant Professor,
C.P.R. Institute of Indological Research
Dr. V. Sandhiyalakshmi has an M.A., M.Phil and Ph.D. in Ancient History and Archaeology from the University
of Madras. Her Ph.D. thesis was on 'Iconography of Karttikeya', and was published by C.P.R. Institute of
Indological Research. She is Assistant Professor, Historical Studies, of C.P.R. Institute of Indological
Research, and guides students registered for the Ph.D. degree. She has written several research articles in
reputed journals and presented papers at various seminars and conferences.
Advisory Board
Dr. V. Balambal Former Professor of History, University of Madras
Dr. A. Chandrasekharan Former Professor of History, University of
Dr. Chithra Madhavan Historian and Writer, Chennai
Dr. S. Vasanthi Former Deputy Director, State Archaeology
Department, Tamilnadu
Dr. A. Chandhrika Professor, Department of History, School of Social
Sciences & International Studies, Pondicherry University
The first issue of the Journal (JIHC) was published in September
Annual Issue
Subscription amount:
Rs. 500/- for 1 issue
Rs. 900/- for 2 issues
Guidelines for Contributors and other details click here
The Foundation is recognized as a Research Institution for conducting
research leading to the Ph.D. Degree in Historical Studies and Environmental Studies by the University of
Recognised Faculty
Sl.no. |
Name, Qualification & Designation |
Subject/Discipline |
Recognition of Guideship by the Madras University |
Historical Studies |
1. |
Dr. G. Balaji M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor
History/Ancient History & Archaeology/
Historical Studies
Recognised Supervisor
of University of Madras for conducting Ph.D. Programmes in
Historical Studies
2. |
Dr. V. Sandhiyalakshmi M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor
History/Ancient History & Archaeology/
Historical Studies
Recognised Supervisor
of University of Madras for conducting Ph.D. Programmes in
Historical Studies
Environmental Studies |
1. |
Dr. T. Sundaramoorthy M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor
Environmental Studies
Recognised Supervisor
of University of Madras for conducting Ph.D. Programmes in
Environmental Studies
2. |
Dr. P. Sudhakar M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor
Environmental Studies
Recognised Supervisor
of University of Madras for conducting Ph.D. Programmes in
Environmental Studies
Details of the Research
Scholars / Students enrolled:
Programmes |
Full-Time |
Part-Time |
Total |
Male |
Female |
Male |
Female |
Ph.D Historical Studies |
1 |
2 |
2 |
5 |
Ph.D. Environmental Studies |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Research Projects (Current)
Sl.no. |
Title of the Project |
Funding Agency |
1. |
Special Project on Environmental History of India - Project Convener -
Dr. Nanditha Krishna
Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR), New Delhi |
2. |
An Epigraphical Study of Science and Technology of Tamils 600 to 1400 CE -
Project Director - Dr. G. Balaji
Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR), New Delhi |
3. |
Eco Eureka Youth Engagement Workshops on Nature and Labs
Project Coordinator
Dr. T. Sundaramoorthy
National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of
Science & Technology, Government of India |
4. |
Ecological Studies of Sacred Groves in five agro-climatic zones of Tamil Nadu
Project coordinator -
Dr. T. Sundaramoorthy
Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Government of Tamil Nadu
Ongoing Research by
Ph.D Students
- Iconography of Hayagriva
- Ekambareshwarar Temple - A Study
- Chidambaram Temple - A Study
- Dakshinamurthy Icon of Shiva
- Shipping Industry on the Coromandel Coast
- Sculptural History of Cholas
- History of the Animal Welfare Movement in Chennai
- Sacred Groves of Tiruvannamalai District An Environmental and Historical Perspective (2017)
- Historical Perspective of the Domestic Architecture of Kanchipuram (2016)
- Iconography of Narasimha (2015)
- Iconography of Karthikeya (2015)
- Paintings of the Varadaraja Perumal Temple (2014)
- Sacred Plants of India (2013)
- Sacred Animals of India (2010)
- Art & Craft Traditions of the Nilgiri Tribes (2006)
- Folk Toys of South India (2006)
- Varahishwarar Temple (2001)
- Glossary of Scientific and Technological Terms in Tamil Inscriptions 900-1300 A.D (2000)
- Folk Arts of Tamilnadu (1996)
- Painted Manuscripts of the Sarasvati Mahal Library at Thanjavur (1994)
- Roman Antiquities in Tamilnadu (1992)
- Women of Tamilnadu - A Survey (1990)
Ethnological Museum of the Nilgiri

The Nilgiris was designated as a tribal district sheltering several ancient tribes. A project, sponsored by the
Ministry of Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports, Department of Culture, Government of India, was taken up in 2000 to
survey the art and craft traditions of four tribes Kota, Kurumba, Irula and Paniya. The purpose of the
documentation was to record the important traditions of each tribe which are in danger of disappearing today.
CPRIIR also collected several ethno-archaeological items of the tribes which are on display at CPRIIRs private
The C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation has excellent reference library facilities,
with over 20,000 books and manuscripts on various areas of Indian philosophy and religion, art and culture,
literature, history, sociology and economics, environment and the humanities, from all over the world. The
library contains Sanskrit and Tamil books; rare and old books on Indian religion, art, literature and culture;
and modern publications. The library is regularly updated with new books on Indian religion, art, history and
the environment.

The Institute is a partner of the Government of Indias National Manuscripts Mission.
There are about 5000 paper manuscripts (Sanskrit) and 1500 palm leaf manuscripts.
Rare photographs and negatives of historical events, national leaders,
monuments, and places of cultural importance are available in the Library.

The Institute has a conservation room with de-acidification and fumigation
chambers. Chiffon binding of paper and citronella application on palmleaf manuscripts are carried out regularly.
CPRIIR also conducts regular courses on conservation of books, paper and palmleaf
manuscripts, especially for librarians of schools, colleges and other institutions.
C.P.R. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CENTRE (CPREEC), is a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of
Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India, jointly established bythe C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar
Foundation and the Ministry. CPRIIR collaborates with CPREEC to study the Ecological Traditions and Environmental
History of India.
NATIONAL MISSION FOR MANUSCRIPTS, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, is for the documentation and maintenance
of manuscripts.
OXFORD CENTRE FOR HINDU STUDIES (OCHS), is a recognized independent centre of Oxford
University, established for the study of Hindu religion, culture, society, philosophies, and languages, in all
periods and in all parts of the world and dedicated to preserving and promoting Indias cultural heritage through
education, publishing, and research. CPRIIR and OCHS have entered into an MOU to cooperate in their efforts to
enhance the field of Hindu studies by promoting academic interchange between the two institutes and exchange
between the faculty and students.
- Art in the Indus Civilization (2023)
- Ancient Indian Medical Systems (2022)
- CPRIIR hosted the 29th Session of Indian Art History Congress on the Theme "Indian Iconography with Special
Emphasis on Regional Developments (2022)
- Science and Technology in Tamil Epigraphy (2020)
- The Mahabharata in Indian Art and Culture (2019)
- The Girl Child in Indian Literature and History (December 2018)
- Religion and Ecology (July 2018) -Honble Justice Thiru P.N. Prakash inaugurated the Seminar and released the
book Hinduism and Nature authored by Dr. Nanditha Krishna. The First copy of the book was received by Prof. N.
Rajendran, Vice Chancellor, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
- Urbanisation in Indian History (January 2018)
- Akshayapatra (April 2016)
- Bhagavata Purana: History, Philosophy and Culture (January 2017)
- A Hundred Years of Nritya Bharateeyam (June 2017)
- The Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains (January 2016)
- Architecture of Colonial Madras (August 2015)
- Popular Uprisings in India with Special Reference to Tamilnadu, 1750-1857 (January 2015)
- The Ramayana in Literature, Society and the Arts (February 2013)
- History Today: Theory and Practice (July 2011)
- 1000 years of the Brihadishvara Temple (September 2010)
- Environment and Indian History (January 2008)
- South Indian Bronzes (February 2001)
- Historical Events of the Twentieth Century (December 2000)
- History of Science and Technology in India (December 2000)
- New Frontiers in History (January 1999)
- Iconography and Socio-Cultural Development (January 1998)
- A Conceptual Approach to Indian History (January 1997)
- Teaching History in Schools (November 1997)
- Kartikeya in Art and Religion (March 1996)
- The Future of History in Tamilnadu (December 1995)
- Music and Dance in Indian Art (December 1993)
- Heritage of Kanchi (October 1991)
- Heritage of Thanjavur (January 1991)
- Shiva in Art and Religion (February 1990)
- Women of Tamilnadu (December 1990)
- Shakti in Art and Religion (March 1985)
- Chidambara Rahasya - Secret or Science? by Ms. Liesbeth Pankaja Bennink (February 2019)
- Awaken the Performer within Secrets from NatyaSastra by Dr.Shekar Shastri (November2018)
- Nartesvara or Natesvara Images of Bengal: An Iconographical Analysis by Dr.Sudipa Ray Bandopadhyay
(September 2018)
- Release of the book The Idol Thief by S. Vijayakumar (August2018)
- History of Pharmacy and Pharmacy Training in Madras 18th Century 1947 by Dr. A. Raman (July2018)
- Role of Classicism in the revival of puppet tradition of India by Ms. Anupama Hoskere (June 2018)
- The Historical Andal A lecture by Dr.Prema Nandakumar (March2018)
- Release of Dr. Shashi Tharoors book Why I am A Hindu by Dr.Gopalakrishna Gandhi followed by a discussion
between the author Dr. Shashi Tharoor and
Dr. Nanditha Krishna (February 2018).
- New Discoveries in Indian Art, Archaeology and their Significance by Dr.Kalyan Kumar Chakravarty, IAS,
(January 2018)
- Language between Diversity and Aphasia by Dr. G.N. Devywas (December 2017)
- Madras and the World War II by Mr. Venkatesh Ramakrishnan (November 2017)
- The Madras Soldier- A Military History, 1704-2017 by Captain D.P. Ramachandran (August 2017)
- History of Sanskrit Education in Madras Presidency by Dr. K. Srinivasan, Former Principal, RKM Vivekananda
College, Chennai (August 2017)
- Sanskrit teachers from various schools were honoured for their contribution to Sanskrit language in a
function (August 2017)
- William Shakespeares Twelfth Night performed by The Madras Players (June 2017)

Dr. K.V. Raman and Dr. R. Nagaswamy were honoured with LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS for their contribution to Indian Art History by Dr.
Padma Subrahmanyam, artist and scholar.
The Institute conducts a course annually in one or more of these topics :
- Indian Art
- Numismatics
- Indian Epigraphy
- Historiography
- Conservation of Old Books and Manuscripts
- Teaching History in schools
The courses include theory and practical study.
CPRIIR has developed curricula and written the text books for standards 5 to 10 for students on Indian history
and culture.
On C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar
- Sadhaneyin Marupeyar Sir C.P., S. Rajamanickam, Sandhya Publications (2014)
- Duty, Destiny and Glory The Life of C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar, A. Raghu, Orient Blackswan, (2014)
- Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar A Biography, Dr. Saroja Sundararajan, Allied Publishers, Chennai (2002)
- Sir C.P. yum Swatantra Thiruvithamkoorum Vaadavum (Malayalam), Prof. Sreedhara Menon, D.C. Books,
Kerala (2000)
- Sir C.P. Enna Villanum: VittupoyaKannigal (Malayalam), Prof. Sreedhara Menon, D.C. Books, Kerala
- American Model Arabikadalil: Sir C.P. yude paraajayapatta Bharanaparishkaaranir desham (Malayalam),
Prof. Sreedhara Menon, D.C. Books, Kerala (2000)
- Sir C.P. yum Swathanthra Thiruvithamkoorum: Charithra Rekhakaliloote (Malayalam), D.C. Books, Kerala
- Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar A Short Biography (Malayalam / English),
A. Raghu, Imprint Books, Kerala (1999)
- Sir C.P. Remembered, Shakunthala Jagannathan, Vakil&Co., Bombay (1999)
- C.P. A Short Biography of C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar, A. Raghu, Prestige Books, New Delhi (1998)
- Educational Development in South India, K.G. Vijayalekshmy, Mittal Publications, New Delhi (1993)
- C.P. at 80, Associated Printers, Madras, (1959)
- The Dewan A Writer's Note Book, Somerset Maugham (1949)
- shtiabdapoorthi Volume, Trivandrum (1940)
- With Profound Respects, S. Chidambaram (C.P.'s. Private Secretary for 56 years) Higginbothams (1938)
Books authored by C.P.
Dr. C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar was a scholar in English, Tamil, Sanskrit and French. He published many books, and
booklets on politics, economics, Indian culture, philosophy, religion, etc.
- C.P. Speaks, CPR Publications (2004) (reprint)
- At the Crossroads, CPR Publications (1980)
- Religion, Man and Society, CPR Publications (1979)
- Chinese Aggression, BharatiyaVidyaBhavan, Bombay (1962)
- How to Avert Disintegration, BharathiyaVidyaBhavan, Bombay (1960)
- Indian Culture, Munshi Endowment Lectures,BharathiyaVidyaBhavan, Bombay (1960)
- All India Convention of Race Relations, Presidential Address, World Religions
- Pen Portraits, Essays and Addresses, Hind Kitabs, Bombay (1968)
- Biographical Vistas, Asia Publishing House, Bombay (1967)
- Indian Universities, 19 Convocation Addresses, Annamalai University (1964)
- Dr. Annie Besant - a Biography, Publications Division, Government of India (1963)
- Administration, Then and Now, (1960)
- Hinduism and Jainism - Indian Gazeteer, Government of India
- Hinduism and Tolerance, UNESCO Publications
- India and the World of Art,Chitale Lectures
- Uniqueness of Sri Sankaracharaya
- C.P. on Himself, Illustrated Weekly of India (November 1959)
- Fundamentals of Hindu Faith and Culture, Ganesh & Co., (1959)
- Psychology, Western and Eastern, Madras Psychology Conference, (1959)
- Treatment of Landscape in Eastern and Western Poetry (1955)
- Cultural Freedom and other Essays, published by S. Viswanathan (1950)
- Phases of Religion and Culture, Hind Kitabs, Bombay (1949)
- Selections from Writings and Speeches, Edited by Mr. P.G. SahasranamaAiyar, Trivandrum (1943)
- World Forces and Super State - Address to Theosophical Convention (1939)
- Present Crisis - Commonwealth Office, Adyar, Madras
- Federal Idea - Sri Krishna Rajendra Silver Jubilee Lecture, Mysore
- Indian Political Theories, RiHon'bleSrinivasaSastri Lecture
- Women in Vedic & Post Vedic Times (1926)
- Presidential Address to the All India Lawyers Conference Allahabad (1921)
- Memorandum & Evidence Before Joint Committee (1919)
- Criticism of the Montagu Chelmsford Reforms (1918)
He delivered twenty-one Convocation Addresses at various Indian Universities, which were
brought out in book form by Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
Also see C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar.
History, Art, Architecture
& Archaeology
- Proceedings of the National Conference on The Mahabharata in Indian Art and Culture
- Historical Perspectives of Domestic Architecture in Kanchipuram by J. Sumathi
- Kaveripakkam: History and Art Traditions by V.N. Srinivasa Desikan
- Madras Inked... Impressions of an Artist & An Architect by Manohar Devadoss & Sujatha
- Urbanization in Indian History - edited by G.J. Sudhakar and G. Balaji
- Narasimha in Art, Iconography and Literature by G. Balaji (2018)
- Journal of Indian History and Culture edited by G.J. Sudhakar (Peer Reviewed)
(ISSN: 0975-7805)
- Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains (Conference Proceedings) edited by Nanditha Krishna
- Deva Pratima (A compendium of articles by Dr. Nanditha Krishna) (2016)
- The Environment and Indian History A collection of papers edited by Nanditha Krishna (2016)
- Iconography of Karttikeya by V. Sandhiyalakshmi(2016)
- The Abdullah-Carita of Lakshmipati: A Study by M. Mohan (2016)
- Popular Uprisings in India with Special Reference to Tamil Nadu 1750-1837 (Seminar Proceedings) edited
by G.J. Sudhakar(2016)
- Proceedings of the International Conference on The Ramayana in Literature, Society and the Arts (2014)
- Paintings of the Varadaraja Perumal Temple by Nanditha Krishna (2014)
- Early History of the Madras Region (reprint) by K. V. Raman (2008)
- History of the 20th Century Lecture Series (2003)
- Varahishwarar Temple by Nanditha Krishna (2001; 2014)
- Kanchi - A Heritage of Art and Religion by Nanditha Krishna (ed.) (1992; 2006)
- Roman Antiquities in Tamilnadu by S. Suresh (1992)
- Shakti in Art and Religionby Nanditha Krishna (ed.) (1991)
Folk / Tribal Culture
- "Tribes of the Nilgiris", G. Balaji (2007)
- "Folk Toys of South India", Nanditha Krishna (2006)
- "Folk Arts of Tamilnadu", Nanditha Krishna (2006)
- "Folk Games of Tamilnadu", V. Balambal (2005)
Performing Arts
- "Muthuswami Dikshitar and Tiruvarur", Sumathi Krishnan
- "Innovative Genius of Bhavabhuti", A.V. Subrahmanyam (1983)
- "Music Composers of India", T.S. Parthasarathy (1982;
- "Harikatha", T.S. Parthasarathi
Religion & Philosophy
- "Upanidatha Sinthanaigal" by K.S. Chandrasekaran and V. Mohan, C.P.R. Publications,
Chennai, 2018, (ISBN: 978-93-85459-05-4)
- "Valmiki Ramayana", N. Chandrasekhara Aiyer (2012)
- "The Setu and Rameshwaram", N. Vanamamalai Pillai (2012)
- "Indu madam Orarimugam" (Hinduism -Tamil), Shakunthala Jagannathan (1995)
- "Dhyana Yoga in the Gita", P.K. Sundaram (1984)
- "Sadhana of Self-Perfection", K. Seshadri (1979)
- "Sadhana of Self-Discovery", K. Seshadri (1978)
- "Heritage of Hinduism", K. Seshadri (1977)
Other Publishers
- Life Lessons from The Buddha edited by Nanditha Krishna
- Life Lessons from Swami Vivekananda edited by Nanditha Krishna
- Life Lessons from Mahavira - edited by Nanditha Krishna
- The Book of Avatars and Divinities by Nanditha Krishna (Penguin, Delhi, 2018).
- Life Lessons from AdiShankara by Nanditha Krishna, (Aleph Book Company, New Delhi) (2018).
- Hinduism and Nature by Nanditha Krishna, (Penguin, Delhi, 2017)
- Madras - Then... Chennai Now by Nanditha Krishna, TishaniDoshi&PramodKapoor (Roli Books, Delhi, 2013)
- Sacred Plants of India by Nanditha Krishna & M. Amirthalingam (Penguin, Delhi, 2014)
- Sacred Animals of India by Nanditha Krishna ( 3 editions - Penguin, Delhi, 2010; 2014; 2018)
- Painted Manuscripts of the SarasvatiMahal Library by Nanditha Krishna (published by Thanjavur Maharaja
SerfojisSarasvati Mahal Library, Government of Tamilnadu,1993)
- Book of Vishnu by Nanditha Krishna (Penguin, Delhi, 2001)
- Book of Demons by Nanditha Krishna (Penguin, Delhi, 2007)
Environmental Studies
- Sacred Groves of India a Compendium, edited by Nanditha Krishna &
M.Amirthalingam, CPR Environment Education Centre, Chennai (ISBN 978-81-86901-24-3) (2014).
- Vol. 22. No.1, https://econewscpreec.com/2017/10/13/econews-april-to-june-2017-vol-22-no-1/
- Climate Change (updated and reprinted 2017)
- Biodiversity (updated and reprinted 2016)
- CPREECs Quarterly Newsletter ECONEWS (e-version) (2016)
- Plant and Animal Diversity in Valmiki Ramayana by M. Amirthalingam& P. Sudhakar (CPREEC) (2013)
Ecological Heritage of India
series (published by C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre)
- Ecological Traditions of Assam (2018)
- Ecological Traditions of Jharkhand (2017)
- Ecological Traditions of West Bengal (2016)
- Ecological Traditions of Gujarat (2015)
- Ecological Traditions of Punjab (2014)
- Ecological Traditions of Rajasthan (2014)
- Ecological Traditions of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh (2014)
- Ecological Traditions of Odisha (2011)
- Ecological Traditions of Goa (2010)
- Ecological Traditions of Kerala (2006)
- Ecological Traditions of Maharashtra (2006)
- Ecological Traditions of Andhra Pradesh (2005)
- Ecological Traditions of Karnataka (2005)
- Ecological Traditions of Tamil Nadu (2005)
- Temple Tanks of Chennai (2004)
- Sacred Tanks of South India (2002)
- Sacred Groves of Tamil Nadu (1998)
- Sacred Trees of Tamil Nadu (1998)
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